
The 8th Multi-Disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence

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MIWAI 2014 will take place in the "The Capitol Hotel". For more details regarding "The Capitol Hotel" please consult the hotel's official website. Address: No. 3, Rajbhavan Road, Bangalore, Phone: +91 80 2228 1234, Website: http://www.thecapitolhotel.com/


A block of rooms have been reserved in "The Capitol Hotel", which is the venue for MIWAI 2014 workshop to be held from December 8, 2014 - December 10, 2014. The special room rates have been negotiated. Book early before block of rooms are sold out. Booking a reservation is simple. Please visit the website and indicate that you are attending "MIWAI-2014" to receive preferred rate.

Room Charges

  1. Executive Single: Special Rate is Rs. 5500/ - + 19.44% Tax
  2. Executive Double: Special Rate is Rs. 6500/ - + 19.44% Tax

NOTE: Alternate accommodation can also be found at the following local Hotels [Suggestive list provided below]. Please note that no special rates for the rooms have been discussed with the hotel management for the workshop. The following hotels have been chosen based on proximity to the workshop venue, for Star Rating or some special attractions.

For contact no's and accommodation charges of above hotels go to URL: http://www.justbookit.com/

Suggestive List of Hotels

Suggestive List of Hotels download here.